
Discover Birds Activity Book

The Discover Birds Activity Book is a fun new children's publication designed to get kids excited about birds!
Sponsored by the Tennessee Ornithological Society and written and illustrated by Vickie Henderson, this thirty-six page expanded version of the original book includes lively illustrations and focuses on fun facts about birds, from what makes a bird a bird to how ornithologists study bird populations.

For example, do you know how feathers help birds or why birds flock together during winter months?  Or what makes birds look so much bigger on a cold day?
The book includes familiar backyard birds, as well as, other species that migrate south to wintering grounds, including sandhill cranes, whooping cranes and bald eagles. Bird conservation facts are interspersed with interesting information about birds and fun activities to help children remember what they've learned.  The book is targeted at the third grade level and is appropriate for first to sixth grade with younger readers benefiting from assistance.
Author, Vickie Henderson, describes this book:  

"This new expanded version of the Discover Birds Activity Book includes exciting activities contributed by educators in the community, including representatives from The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NimBioS), the Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont, and others.    

Children have curious minds and vivid imaginations.  Show them the fascinating in nature and give them tools for learning, and you have a magical combination with limitless possibilities.  That is what makes the Discover Birds Activity Book an exciting publication.  Its goal is to help kids feel excited about birds, and as they participate in the activities, discover their own talents and how they can use them to help birds and the world they live in."  
The book's back cover includes a "Discover Birds" membership card that can be filled out by the student. That's all it takes to join a community of young citizen scientists that are discovering and helping the world of birds!

The book includes illustrations to color, questions to answer, and activities, including word search, word scramble, draw-a-nest, matching, message decoding, crossword and others.  A vocabulary list is provided along with a list of books for young readers and websites with more information about birds.  

The Discover Birds Activity Book is a child's introduction to birds and the beginning of a life time of fun and discovery in the outdoors! 

The book is available through the Tennessee Ornithological Society.  Printed books are available in quantities or individually by contacting Cyndi Routledge:  routledges@bellsouth. net.
The book is also available online at the following link:  TOS Education   The entire book is available as a download or individual activities and topics may be printed separately.

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