
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A fun Interactive Bird Poster

This fun interactive poster can be found on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website. Just click on the bird and the bird's name will appear and you will hear its song!  The Gray Jay is not found in Tennessee but most other birds can be found in Tennessee depending on your region and the habitat.
The bird songs are from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the art is contributed by Bill Reynolds.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources bird song interactive poster

Links and Resources:

Cornell Lab of Ornithology songs and sounds of birds
Some common birds in Tennessee 
Tennessee Watchable Wildlife Birds
Vickie Henderson Art-- my blog about birds and bird art
Discover Birds Activity Book 
More about the Discover Birds Program on the TOS website
Vickie's Sketchbook--bird art with an occasional other

1 comment:

  1. What an excellent idea to have an interactive picture of birds and their songs. My 7 year old son enjoys this tremendously. Thanks for putting this together and providing access. Very clever, educational and enjoyable.
