
Monday, July 7, 2014

Susan Hollyday Takes Discover Birds Activity Books to Cuba!

Susan Hollyday, a member of the Nashville chapter of TOS, traveled to Cuba recently with the Road Scholar Program (formerly Elderhostel) on a People to People two week tour to learn about many aspects of the Cuban culture.
Susan writes:  "It was suggested that we might like to bring gifts for some of the folks along the way. From the itinerary, I noticed we would be visiting an elementary school where the children were studying English. I then decided to carry a dozen Discover Birds Activity Books and several Teachers Curriculum Guides with me.  My 37 year old Cuban guide was delighted.  This was a first and he was very pleased to have me share the booklets with the school."
Susan visited the San Eugene of Mazenod Elementary School.   "I presented their teacher, Ms. Rodriguez, with several Discover Birds Activity Books. I also gave her several copies of the Teacher’s Guide. Ms. Rodriguez...was especially happy to have new material to present to her students. Supplies are scarce in Cuba.  The activity books are the perfect grade level, with a format similar to the workbooks they are using. Many of the birds in Cuba are the same as the birds in Tennessee which appear in the Discover Birds Activity Book. Perhaps we share some migrants!  This should make the booklets even more meaningful, if the children see the birds in the books in their own neighborhoods. Of course, they will be more aware of birds and possibly other things in nature."
Susan reports that she recently sent more booklets, pencils, and sharpeners to the elementary school and included several copies of the Teachers Curriculum Guide.

"I hope the mail works!  In my dreams I see a young English speaking Cuban leading a group of American birders on an eco-tour of this beautiful country. Who knows what seeds may be planted?"

Visit the Tennessee Ornithological Society's education page to learn more about the Discover Birds Program.  You will also find an online pdf of the Discover Birds Activity Book that can be downloaded and printed and a copy of the Teacher's Curriculum Guide.

For information about obtaining printed books, contact Cyndi Routledge at  For more information about the Discover Birds Program contact Billie Cantwell at or Cyndi Routledge at

Links and Resources:
Discover Birds Activity Book
Discover Birds Curriculum Guide
Discover Birds Program
Nashville Chapter of TOS
Tennessee Ornithological Society

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